Saturday, November 20, 2021

GSA Exclusion List

Looking for GSA Exclusion List? GSA Exclusion List contains a list of exclusionary measures conducted by the HHS-OIG. Actions done at the state level as a result of criminal activity or misconduct must be reported to the HHS-OIG.

OIG State Exclusions

 If you are looking for OIG State Exclusions? Exclusion Screening provides complete background screening solutions backed by cutting-edge technology and access to the world’s largest databases, allowing businesses to employ and conduct business with confidence.

Monday, November 8, 2021

OIG Background Checks

 Exclusion Screening is a full-service background verification firm based in the United States that specializes in generating confidence in people and businesses by doing thorough and OIG Background Checks in the shortest amount of time while adhering to strong data protection regulations. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

OIG State Exclusions

 looking for OIG Exclusion & OIG State Exclusions screening Services? Exclusion screening and verification is a complex procedure, as we at Exclusion Screening, LLC understand. In addition, we recognize that it might be hard to comply with all Federal and State legislation.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Texas Medicaid List

 When a state prohibits a person or company from participating in its Medicaid program, this is known as a Medicaid Exclusion, and the Texas Medicaid list of exclusions is created. Please email us at or call us at 1-800-294-0952. If you choose mail over anything else, our mailing address is Exclusion Screening, LLC

Compliance Hotline

 Need a Compliance Hotline? Exclusion Screening, LLC offers a compliance helpline service. We served customers throughout the United States and were founded by well-known healthcare attorneys Robert Liles and Paul Weidenfeld. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

OIG Exclusion Check

The OIG Exclusion List was created to give the assurance of the integrity of federal healthcare programssuch  as Medicare and Medicaid. The individuals or entities appearing for the OIG Exclusion Check may not render or be compensated for, directly or indirectly, any of the service or supply materials connected to the federal healthcare programs. 

California Exclusion List

 Our clients love us because of the all-in-one solution for checking and verifying all of your workers, contractors, and vendors for the California Exclusion List. We built a database with a more extensive search function than the OIG exclusion list and OIG search. We also update our California exclusion list daily and constantly add new Federal and State monthly databases.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

We Make You Understand The Law Through Our Checklists

Texas Exclusion List is a database that prevents individuals and entities from availing of the benefits from the Texas Medicaid Program. It is a database maintained by the Texas Health and Human Services, Texas Inspector General. Exclusion Screening helps to monitor the list for your organizations and helps providers avoiding the risks and complying with the obligations.

When any particular state rules out the participation of the entities in its Medicaid Program, that action is known as Medicaid Exclusion. OIG State Exclusions is the name given to the process when the Office Of Inspector General bars the inclusion of the entities in their Medicare Programs, known as Medicare Exclusion.

For this, a proper OIG Check is being done to identify the individuals or entities which are excluded from the Medicare Program Listing. OIG Checklist is being maintained on monthly basis including the name, state, authority, SSN or EIN Number, and Provider Type.

Why To Choose Exclusion Screening Services?

We, at Exclusion Screening is serving the society since 1984 and we understand the need to rules and regulations for the proper functioning of the organiztion. Exclusion Screening is the one stop solution for all your screening needs.

We are best for your organization as we verify your employees, contractors and vendors, on monthly basis and updates our database daily. We, at Exclusion Screening constantly adds new Federal and state exclusions updates with proper monthly reports, helping your organizations keeping a proper track of all your screening needs. We make sure who needs to be checked must be checked.

Monitor Texas Exclusion List With Us?

Exclusion Screening will help your organization monitoring the Texas OIG State Exclusions. We help to screen your healthcare populations to protect your organizations and the employees. We perform proper OIG Checks to make sure that it is updated on monthly basis. We regularly screen all of the employees of your organization and help it keeping safe and secure. 

We understand Exclusion Screening, LLC is a complex process. But we make sure that we comply with the Federal and State Rules for you, to make the flow easy for your organization.





Whistleblower Hotline

 Exclusion Screening is one such company that is offering confidential reporting services or fraud line services for your organization. With our Whistleblower Hotline services, if the employees or the other members of the firm finds any malpractice within the company, then they can report it. All the malpractices, unlawful and unethical behavior, and activities within the workplace can be reported through whistleblower services.

Monday, July 12, 2021

OIG State Exclusions

 А list of groups thаt stаtеs еxcludеd from thе OIG State Exclusions hаvе to аsk thеmsеlf а bunch if quеstions to figurе out if thеy mееt thе fivе stаndаrds sеt forth by thе Omnibus Budgеt Rеconciliаtion Аct (OBRА) of 1993.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

All about OMIG Exclusion List?


Аs wе аll know, thе Officе of Inspеctor Gеnеrаl (OIG) Еxclusion List is thе phonе book of chеаtеrs. It's thе plаcе whеrе thе govеrnmеnt lists pеoplе or corporаtions who hаvе bееn dishonеst with Mеdicаrе аnd Mеdicаid. Nonе of us in thе industry wаntеd to еnd up on thаt list. But, аs I'm surе mаny of you аlrеаdy know, if you do it oncе, on а singlе clаim, your nаmе could bе thеrе for lifе, prеvеnting you from billing Mеdicаrе (or аny othеr pаyеr which hаs аn Еxclusion List) еvеr аgаin.

Thе Officе of thе Mеdicаid Inspеctor Gеnеrаl, (“OMIG”) provides a list of еxclusions for contrаctors аnd suppliеrs who аrе excluded and kept away from performing various kind of businеss with thе Mеdicаid progrаm.

OMIG Exclusion List is rеsponsiblе for cаrrying out аudits to dеtеct аnd prеvеnt frаud, wаstе, аnd аbusе in thе Mеdicаid progrаm. Thеy do this by rеviеwing аpplicаnt informаtion submittеd to thе stаtе Mеdicаid аgеncy аnd chеcking supporting documеntаtion. If you wеrе contrаctеd or suppliеd with аny of thеsе itеms/sеrvicеs by а providеr or suppliеr who is on OMIG Exclusion list, thеn you will definitely nееd а rеplаcеmеnt sourcе of it, in ordеr to continuе your businеss.

OMIG Exclusion List - a guidance to exclude:

OMIG stаnds for thе Opеn Mаrkеt Invеstmеnt Guidаncе, а list of compаniеs thаt hаvе rеcеivеd Non-Invеstmеnt Guidаncе from thе Officе of Forеign Аssеts Control (OFАC). Thаt mеаns thеy wеrе еithеr in violаtion of currеnt U.S. lаw or hаd аctions tаkеn аgаinst thеm rеcеntly. Еxclusion lists аrе а good wаy to spot risk.

In аccordаncе with OMIG's Onе-Cаll Systеm, firms аnd contrаctors pеrforming еxcаvаtion work cаn sign up to bе on thе OMIG Exclusion List. Thе purposе of this OIG Exclusion Search is to providе а fаst аnd еfficiеnt sеrvicе for vеrifying thе locаtion of buriеd fаcilitiеs to Еxcаvаtion Contrаctors prior to pеrforming еxcаvаtions. Whеn еxcаvаting, you will vеrbаlly аsk thе Utility compаniеs rеprеsеntеd on thе OMIG Exclusion List for informаtion аbout аny fаcilitiеs locаtеd in thе proposеd еxcаvаtion sitе. This еliminаtеs multiplе-cаll outs by еxcаvаtion contrаctors whеn thеy cаll multiplе Utility compаniеs rеgаrding а pаrticulаr еxcаvаtion.

Whаt is OMIG critеriа

1. Mеаsurаblе – Thе critеriа must hаvе objеctivе critеriа for mеаsurеmеnt

2. Аchiеvаblе – Thе cаpаbility should bе аchiеvаblе

3. Rеlеvаnt – Thе cаpаbility chosеn must bе rеlеvаnt to thе tаsk

4. Good quаlity informаtion – Thе informаtion usеd should bе аccurаtе аnd аuthеntic

5. Broаd pаrticipаtion – Аll the rеlеvаnt stаkеholdеrs should bе involvеd

Thursday, May 27, 2021

OIG Exclusion Search

 If you are searching a right destination for Texas OIG Exclusion Search then choose the best platform very carefully. Exclusion Screening, LLC is one of the best places to get exclusion search with perfection. They are in this industry for years and have helped many organizations in background check. One can rely on their exclusion search without any hesitation.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Whistleblower Hotline

Whistleblower Hotline can be of 4 types namely Digital whistleblowing hotlines, Phone-based whistleblowing hotlines, Face-to-face whistleblowing, Whistle-blower e-mail address and inbox wherein the employee is allowed to report any ill practises happening in the workplace

Thursday, April 1, 2021

All You Need to Know About Exclusion Screening LLC


You might be wondering what Exclusion screening exactly is and how we can help you, right? We are all aware of the screening requirements of the state has in place for a long time now and we also know that not all of them are as easy as they are made to look. Some of them even keep changing and people lose track of them. One needs an experience and skilled team of professionals who can help in the compliance of the screening requirements of the stage. Hence, we here at, Exclusion Screening LLC, provide you just that!

We offer not only a simple and effective but also affordable and inexpensive solution to the costly and complicated requirements relating to the screening of employees, contractors and vendors for exclusion, suspension and debarment related issues.

You do not have to worry about how skilled or experienced we are, our co-founders Robert has worked as a Hospital Administrator and Paul has worked with the passage of HIPAA. Hence, we know first-hand that most providers are committed to quality care and compliance with the rules.

The thought that led us to start this was that if a provider is confronted with rules or regulations that are difficult to understand, costly, and almost impossible to comply with (even without regard to the expense)? It was one of our beloved clients who asked us what he had to do to meet his Exclusion Screening obligation and avoid OIG sanctions or penalties. He further went on to ask that could he make sure none of his employees, contractors or vendors had not been excluded, suspended or barred from any Federal or State health care programs? Could he possibly meet that obligation without breaking the bank? These all our questions that many people out there have in their minds but do not have the right people to ask to. But our clients had us!

So, if you have the same questions, count on us. With our huge database that includes SAM Exclusions List, OIG Search, OIG Check, we make sure your problem is solved!

An Advice Is All You Need When in Problem


Regret is the most painful and sad feelings that humankind can ever experience. It is a feeling where you had the power to do something that might have made an impact but was not able to do because of many reasons such as lack of knowledge, low confidence levels, inherent risks involved in the task and many more. Whatever, the reason maybe, regret as a feeling can affect you in ways that will make you suffer in your present. While people go through rough patches of feeling regretful, more often than not they wonder that there was someone who could have advised them about the right thing in that wrong situation. If one has a right person who is skilled in that particular subject matter to advice you in your problematic situation, you will not have to be regretful later. Rather you will be satisfied and feel motivated for the many bright future prospects of yours, isn’t it?

But it is usually hard to find someone who possesses the skill as well as the will to advice you at all times in your confusing and helpless situations. So, what if we tell you we are the one you are searching for? Yes, we here at, Exclusion Screening, LLC can help you with our informed and bona fide advice at very affordable rates.

We proudly inform all the readers that we have many resources that can help in this process of consultation. Some of them are Compliance Hotline, OIG Exclusion Check, Florida Exclusion List, OIG Background Check, OIG Exclusion List, OIG Exclusion, Medicare Exclusion List and OMIG Exclusion List. Adding to this, we would like to inform you all that we are extremely skilled and possess the knowledge of the subject matter on which advice is sought. We have been in health care for a long time – Robert in 1984 as a Hospital Administrator and Paul in 1996 with the passage of HIPAA – and we know first-hand that most providers are committed to quality care and compliance with the rules. So, contact us now, and forget the regret.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

SAM Exclusion

OIG’s LEIE and GSA’s SAM Exclusion are one of the most important lists which help safeguard people from medical ill practices by making them aware of medical practitioner who have been charged of medical frauds and malpractices.


Monday, March 1, 2021

GSA Exclusion List

 It is advisable for every employer to cross check each and every vendor, person and organization which is about to hire to check them first against the GSA Exclusion List To find out whether their name is present in the list or not. If they happen to find their name in the GSA Exclusion List. List then it’s their duty to not hire them as they have been found of misconduct and fraudulent behavior.

Monday, February 1, 2021



Since medical department and public health system is one of the most important departments for any country therefore it makes it obvious to take extra precaution. human resource channelizes other resources and make the most out of it. And when we talk about being it important therefore, every government has to take every fraud and abuse seriously and address it. Specially in the healthcare and medical department.


In order to make the system more transparent and make authorities and the public be aware about entities, agencies and individuals which have committed a fraud in the health care department or has conducted ill practices and mal practice, the GSA Exclusion List, SAM and OIG publishes an exclusion list. One such exclusion list is OMIG Exclusion List.


Many people are confused and do not understand what’s the difference between all the list, then it can be quite comprehensive. The most significant difference between LEIE and GSA SAM database is that LEIE database only consist of action which are exclusion which are under taken by HHS OIG. On the other hand, SAM exclusion list only consist of debarment actions which are taken by various federal agencies which also consists are HHS OIG. this clearly states that these two lists are similar but does have some difference.


The LEIE is made available on the OIG website in the following format, they look quite similar but have some striking differences

·         The exclusion list is very easy to search. It can be downloaded and then the entity, agency or an individual can be searched. If the name of that individual, agency or entity is found then they need to be confirmed with the help of the individual Social Security Number. In case of agencies and entities Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) can help identifying the match.

·         The next format is to download the database of the whole list provided by the LEIE. This can be downloaded on a personal computer. It is quite a comprehensive lost and with the help of SSN and national provider identifier, can verify the match.

Benefits of Checking the Oig Exclusion List


OIG LEIE refers to Officer inspector general List of Excluded Individuals/Entities which is managed by the Inspector General (OIG) at Health and Human Services (HHS). The main purpose of this list is that it consists of names or agencies, individuals and entities which have been included in conducting medical mal practices and ill practices. If an individual or an agency is present on the OIG State Exclusions list then they are barred to receive any payments from the federal government for committing certain violations.

The LEIE is a very important part of any kind of amenability for health care organizations. One thing which needs to be kept in mind is that OIG Exclusion Check does not provide any warnings about the excluded providers however, the organization has to themselves search the database to find out the agency, entity and the individual which you are about to hire should not be present in the list. If they happen to be present in the list then it’s their duty to ignore these individuals and do not hire them.

What is the LEIE and why is searching the LEIE important?

Searching the LEIE is no rocket science; The list is simple to downloads and can be easily be looked into and search for the individual, entity or an agency which is in question. The website gives direction and also guides as to how to use the database. It helps in letting the person known who is a new addition, a new hire, contractors or full time employed. Even after knowing that the person is on the LIEE exclusion list, if they are hired then the organization which has hired such an agency will be liable for civil and monetary penalties and will have to undergo strict disciplinary action by the government.

Moreover, numerous providers that are on the LEIE have undergone some kind of fraud, patient abuse or negligence, had a crime conviction for measured materials, or further serious wrongdoings. Having them on staff stances a grave risk to present patients and an obligation to the whole society.


Friday, January 29, 2021

SAM Exclusion

 OIG’s LEIE and GSA’s SAM Exclusion are one of the most important lists which help safeguard people from medical ill practices by making them aware of medical practitioner who have been charged of medical frauds and malpractices.